Behind Every Successful Man, There is a Strong Woman. Behind Unsuccessful Man….
Embracing the role of a successful and independent woman in today’s world can be very complicated and challenging in life and society, but not completely impossible. Nowadays women are thriving and stepping into an abundance of powerful roles, once dominated by men, making incredible social impacts and having high amounts of success in prestigious industries such as e-commerce, law, retail, government, and more. The entrepreneurial woman today is exceptionally ambitious, climbing up the corporate ladder on her own with a careful conscience and strong will.
With this great measure of success comes the demand of creating a balance between work and family life. The simple matrix of the family is a mix of people—spouses, children, and relatives who hold common values of commitment, honesty, respect, dignity, and tolerance. When one of these values are absent or lacking, upholding a marriage or maintaining good familial relationships can become difficult. As women we ARE the CEO of the household, which includes maintaining traditional google scholar essay domestic duties and being a personal chef, housekeeper, head cheerleader for our kids, chauffeur, the peacemaker among sibling fights, the errand runner, laundry operator, teacher, finance manager, daycare provider, birthday coordinator, seamstress, nurse, and so much more. Our spouses and kids depend on us indefinitely and there are NO sick days. The days of the husband being the sole provider are long gone, because we are smart and capable and given a set of skills that can be utilized to contribute a prime source of financial income to our family. In most families, the husband is always the breadwinner, but in this era, both parents having a steady source of income is very common, with wives potentially earing much more money than their spouse.
The exchange of roles is evident, but for men, dignity and pride will always be their suits. If we indeed do bring in more money, we sometimes just need to simply respect our man’s dignity by acting as if it is not a big deal, and remember that it is rather a joint effort for the betterment of the family as a whole. Behind the scenes, we are intelligent and have brains, and cooking, cleaning, and caring for kids are not our only strengths. While there is no one to pat us on our backs on a job well done for the day, we can still take pride in our efforts on financially contributing, but in a way that is not so dominating to undermine our men. It takes a special woman to recognize these emotions. And it is our duty to be patient and step up to the plate and be the breadwinner when times are hard, not to be harassing or “better than” our partners. We are, in fact, in this together, through good times and bad, through job losses or lay-offs, and in times of financial stress. It is essentially our most important role to hold the family together through it all.

Dignity of Supporting from Behind the Scene, Sharing same success without stealing spotlight from other half
There’s no doubt that women are complex characters, but we are both delicate and fierce creatures by nature. On one hand we need to remember that we deserve acknowledgment and recognition for all that we do, but at the same time not to be stealing the spotlight from our other half. Remember to not obsess too much on who is stealing the show, because the spotlight can ultimately be shared and joyously celebrated. The family unit will reap the true rewards and beauty of life when balance and tolerance are established. This is the outcome of a solid, happy, and trustworthy family.
As a tribute to one of our most beloved batik patterns that resonates the theme of Balance and Harmony, which is Sewu Kuto, a style that often incorporates images of animals and nature in its design. The Javanese meaning for Sewu Kuto literally means ‘One Thousand Cities’, which is a metaphor that represents a myriad of mixed interpretations, often in the form of plants, butterflies, cranes, flowers, branches, vines, wind, and water. The overall motif reflects a collective phenomenon of the physical world and its elements, all which appear together in one place in the midst of a ‘crowded’ scene or situation. It brings peace where there is discord and chaos, breathing life and balance into fabric. Sewu Kuto batik dresses are on sale now in our Nonika store! Share the message of creating and restoring balance to your life and remember that behind every successful man, there is a strong, compassionate, and determined woman.
Behind every unsuccessful man, there are at least two strong women, but that’s a totally different story 🙂
~with love – R.J.
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